Nursery Teacher

Ms Allan

Ms Allan

Nursery Teacher
Early Years Lead


We add exciting news on our Year Group News to keep you informed of our learning adventures. 

Class Dojo 

All parents are encouraged to sign up to Class Dojo to keep up to date with class events. There is also a message system for you to contact the Teacher directly in your chosen language. 



We use Tapestry as an online Learning Journey to document children’s learning through observation. Parents have access to this so that they can view their child’s learning in school and they are also able to add observations of their child in their home environment.

For more information about the Nursery Curriculum at St Ignatius Catholic Primary School- please take a look at our Curriculum Overview.

Physical Development

At St. Ignatius we are committed to supporting the health and well-being of all of our children. We do this in Nursery by having a daily exercise session. This changes on a daily basis and can range from exercises and running outside, to dancing and songs on the carpet. We regularly enjoy a dough disco to development our fine-motor strength, as well as yoga sessions to develop our strength, flexibility, and to encourage a calm mind.

Our Curriculum

In Nursery at St Ignatius we strive for a broad curriculum, full of exciting, high-quality learning experiences. We believe in the value of child-initiated learning within an enabling environment. The role of the adult is to model positive interactions and support children’s learning and development within each child’s chosen activity. This approach results in highly motivated children developing a positive attitude to learning across the seven areas within the Early Years Framework.

The children in Nursery are introduced to a range of high quality 'core' texts and stories. We use Talk 4 Writing strategies to support children to become confident story tellers. We build on special times around the year to develop children understanding of the world and to build their vocabulary ready to become writers. Mathematical concepts are taught throughout the day through child initiated play and some adult directed activities. We also create opportunities for children to develop their own ideas and to follow their own interests. Our flexible approach allows for children and classes to get creative outside of those topics and take their learning further.


Nursery Curriculum Brochure- Summer 2024

Nursery Curriculum Brochure - Spring 2024

Nursery Parent Curriculum Brochure - Autumn 2023



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