Our Curriculum Statement

 At St Ignatius our curriculum is based on our shared vision and mission statement ‘Safe in God’s hands we will follow our PEARL values:






The curriculum at St Ignatius Catholic Primary School is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all children. We are committed to meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum. Throughout Key Stage 1 and 2, subjects are taught discretely, as individual subjects, but we do make cross curricular links that enable children to apply knowledge and skills in other areas.

The curriculum links to our community and local history wherever possible whilst also giving children a global view and the chance to celebrate the diverse heritage in our school.


The St Ignatius curriculum is ambitious, knowledge rich and carefully constructed to support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and underpins everything we do, because we know it guarantees our children leave with the best possible  start.


We teach ambitious vocabulary throughout all subjects and use structured talk stems to develop their language skills alongside powerful knowledge acquisition.


At St Ignatius we consider the extent to which we are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Central to this are the key academic, personal and vocational skills which prepare them for the next stage of their lives.

Pupil voice is very important to us at St Ignatius and the children use a variety of strategies to promote this in the classroom. We have a very active School Council who regularly meet to discuss opportunities for pupils and themes of learning.


We endeavour to deliver excellence in learning and teaching and expect all learners to be actively engaged and independent in their own learning across the whole curriculum. Our Catholic Ethos permeates through all that we do and is at the heart our spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all learners.


We are focused on the importance of reading and writing so that the pupils become fluent communicators and keen action researchers across all subjects. We support children in developing mathematical and scientific skills, to increase their capacity to hypothesise, investigate, evaluate, and deepen their prior knowledge.

Pupils will learn good habits of work; they will develop their intellectual, moral and spiritual skills to emerge as well-educated, responsible and global citizens ready for their next steps in education and future careers..


We endeavour to ensure that by the time the children leave St Ignatius to embark on the next stage of their education, they are equipped with the academic skills and knowledge, and have developed the personal attributes needed to enable them to become successful citizens of the future. We believe that the most important principle of our curriculum is to develop curiosity and a love of learning. It is our aim to provide a curriculum that is derived from high quality first teaching, well-planned and prepared learning activities and engaging and memorable learning opportunities.  Our curriculum will equip our children with lifelong skills and to give them experiences that will embed in their long term memory. 


Parent Brochures: 

Each term you will be given a parent brochure which outlines the key learning and objectives for every subject. The parent brochure also shares key information about the class and availability to discuss anything with the class teacher. 

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