Meet Our School Council 2024/2025:

Meet our School Councillors:


Cesar Caisedo Rosero

Blessing Matuwanga



Lena Anuszkiewicz-Ganiuch

Amare Anderson



Samantha Escalona

Robel Mahlu


3&4 P

Amelia Singh

Eyoel Mehari


3&4 L

Jaden Mosquera Santamaria

Luisa Silva Cardoso Lopes Da Cruz



Micaiah Dodoo

Filbert Asante



Josephine Budka Gunn

Mathias Schropfer




Autumn term 2024/25

Our first big job this academic year is to re-organise and re-introduce the new playground equipment bought by last years school council. We are also in the process of collecting pupil voice data from across the school to ascertain how every child feels about their learning and the school community. In the survey all children will have their say about their learning, the school community, the school environment as well as how we feel we support our peers and how staff at the school support us.


Once all the data has been collected and interpreted, we will then present the results to the whole school in assembly. We are hoping the survey will provide us with information about areas in which our school is doing really well as well as any areas of development. This will inform our action plan moving forward as well as provide Mr Bonner and the other school stakeholders with the views and opinions of every child at St Ignatius.


Look out for Dojo posts on the school story for updates on our ongoing work.



What is a School Council?


•A school council represents the views of all pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

•A school council helps to make changes and improvements, and tries to make the school a nicer placer for everyone.


Election Process

•At St Ignatius every class in KS1 and KS2 chooses two representatives to be members of the school council.

•Voting for council members takes place at the beginning of the school year.

•Before they are voted for, nominees have to give a speech to their class explaining why they want to be on the council.


What makes a good school councillor?

A School Councillor needs to be able to:

  • speak out
  • take their role seriously
  • put across good ideas
  • care for others
  • be a good role model who can be trusted
  • be reliable
  • keep to the subject
  • show enthusiasm


What will our school council do?

We will hold regular meetings to discuss ways in which we can improve our school. The Councillors will present the views of their classmates. They will provide feedback in a number of ways:

  • through the school website/Class Dojo
  • in class discussions and assemblies
  • using the School Council noticeboard.

The school council also meet with the school governors to discuss their plans for the year ahead.


What could they change?

There are many projects and aspects of school life that the School Council could get involved with. Here are some examples:

  • Behaviour
  • Lunchtimes/Playtimes
  • Areas around school e.g. cloakrooms, toilets
  • Equipment for our playground
  • ICT equipment/suggest apps for iPads
  • School environment – Litter – Recycling
  • Raise money for charity
  • Improve our classrooms
  • Help to organise special events/competitions
  • Help shape our curriculum


How do pupils contribute their ideas?

If you would like to put your ideas forward to the school council:

• Speak to a school council representative.

• Post your ideas in the suggestion box which will soon be on the noticeboard or hand them to your class councillor.


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