Dear Parents and Carers, 

As a school, and like thousands of other schools up and down the country, we have chosen to use a learning platform (an App) called ClassDojo.

During the national lockdowns it became an invaluable way for us to keep in touch. We have really enjoyed sharing all of the exciting work the children have been doing in class so it will continue to be our communication platform moving forward. Please do log on frequently to the app so you can keep up to date with what is happening in school. Our children are already familiar with the app as we use it to reward the children with dojo points.  

The class teachers will post information about the children's learning each week and share some of the exciting events that are taking place. Teachers will also upload videos and information in order to support you at home with your child's learning.  Staff will also post links and information about interesting websites you might like to use and so on. 

It’s also the perfect way for staff to stay in touch. We care about you and your children and want you to be able to keep in contact with us regularly.

All of the children in school have been registered on ClassDojo. You can download ClassDojo as an App onto your mobile phone, tablet or you can visit the website on a laptop. School will provide you with a link and a code that you will need when you register.

Use the code in that text to follow these instructions, after you’ve downloaded the ClassDojo App from the App store (for free). 

Login here:

Here are some examples of the posts you will find on Class Dojo:




You can use this link to find out more about how ClassDojo works:

Use this link to read about ClassDojo’s approach to privacy:


We look forward to sharing your child’s learning experiences with you through the app. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Please be aware that we expect all comments to be respectful. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted and access may be removed. 



How will we use ClassDojo?

  • Message the class teacher - for anything urgent, please contact the school office.

  • Class teachers will post regularly onto Class Story to share information and upcoming events with parents.

  • School story will post regularly to keep you up to date with whole school events and important notices.

  • Send work and photos to the teacher who can share them for the rest of the class to see on the Class Story page.


We have attached some FAQs for parents which details Class Dojo in a little more detail.

Parent FAQ's- Class Dojo

If you have any questions, please ask.

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