Welcome to our SEND Page

Special Needs at St Ignatius


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

At St Ignatius Primary School, we pride ourselves in being an inclusive school and it is our continued aim to meet the needs of all of our pupils of all abilities, including those with special needs and / or disabilities.

If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please contact our Assistant Head teacher (AHT) and Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator SENDCo (Ms Curran) or our head teacher (Mr Bonner).

We believe that the key to success is happiness, a love of learning and a school where children feel supported, respected and safe.  Every child is precious and it is a privilege to play a part in their development – their overall well-being is of paramount importance and at the centre of what we do at St Ignatius Primary. 

We expect every child to fulfil their potential and celebrate everyone’s uniqueness and the gifts and talents they have. We aim to provide each child with the skills, knowledge, resilience, enthusiasm and life skills which will equip them to lead a successful and happy life.

We hope you find the information below helpful in understanding the types of support we provide for our pupils at St Ignatius Primary, and how and when these can be accessed. 

St Ignatius Primary School works in partnership with a range of external professionals and specialist services to ensure that we can provide the highest quality provision for pupils with SEND. These professional services include:

  • Speech and Language Therapy Services (NHS and private provision)
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Integrated Disabilities Services and Specialist Teaching Service
  • Children Social Care Services
  • Physical Disability Team
  • Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services
  • Visual Impairment Team
  • Complex Needs team
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • School Nursing Service
  • Counselling Services 
  • Educational Welfare Team

The following documents will give you more information in relation to SEND and how we, at school - and you, at home - can support your child.

Our two key documents are our SEND Policy and our School Information Report.

These should be read in conjunction with Haringey’s Local Offer:

For Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) | Haringey Council


For Admission guidance for SEND pupils :



Special Needs Support for Parents:


If there is a specific area that interests you, please ask and we can find a relevant website.

  • www.ipsea.org.uk – A useful site for free, legally based Special Education advice
  • www.autism.org.uk – The National Autistic Society website, the main UK charity for supporting people with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and their families (contains lots of useful advice and resources)
  • www.attentionautism.com – For more information on Attention Autism and how you can support your child to develop attention and turn-taking skills
  • www.widgit.com/resources - Symbolled resources for different topics and areas of life, including resources for fire safety and about visiting the doctors/dentists
  • www.special-needs-kids.co.uk – An information directory for parents and carers
  • www.iassnetwork.co.uk – Advice and support for parents of children with SEN
  • www.autismuk.com – Lots of information on Autistic Spectrum Condition
  • https://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/
  • www.downs-syndrome.org.uk – Advice and support, including booklets to help with independent toileting, sleeping and managing behaviour
  • www.autismspeaks.org – A comprehensive site, with a useful resource library
  • www.oneplaceforspecialneeds.com/main/library_social_stories.html - A really useful set of social stories to share with children, covering topics ranging from coping with a new baby in the family to getting a haircut to making friends. The National Autistic Society website also provides guidance on writing your own personalised social stories
  • htps://sossen.org.uk/  Support for parents to access support for their child


SEND Documents


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