Religious Education

Religious Education is a core subject at St Ignatius School and 10% of the weekly timetable is allocated to teaching it. Our Religious Education curriculum follows The Way, The Truth & The Life scheme with the liturgical year and scripture, but the staff are not restricted to using this as a basis for their lessons. Children learn about the Catholic faith and develop a deep understanding of Jesus’ teaching which we expect everyone to use as their example in the way they interact and behave with each other, as is in keeping with our mission statement: ‘In God’s Hands’.
As well as Catholicism, all children will learn about other faiths. In the infants, the children will learn about other faiths and their traditions through festivals and feast days. All classes learn about Judaism and Islam.
Prayer and worship play an important part in the Catholic life of our school. As we are still in the midst of the Covid pandemic, sometimes daily acts of worship are held remotely or in bubbles. Sometimes this as a whole school, infants and juniors separately or in individual classrooms. The pandemic has also impacted on our ability to visit our church, but our priests from St Ignatius Parish are regular visitors and we aim to have Mass in school at least once every term.
We have a special focus on saints and the school and our buildings are named after St Edmund Campion, feast day celebrated 1st of December, St Alexander Briant, feast day also celebrated 1st of December, and St Anne Line, feast day celebrated 30th August.
Link to the Standards used for assessing RE



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