At St Ignatius, we believe that Physical Education (P.E.) is essential to the development of the whole child, both for physical health but also for keeping mentally healthy. We encourage all children, from Early Years to Year 6 to maintain a healthy lifestyle, understand the importance of keeping fit and develop a love of sport. We teach them to be safe while exercising and ensure that all children are able to access P.E., improve their knowledge and skills and empower them to feel successful regardless of their starting points.  

 Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and enhances concentration, but it also has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. We aim to deliver a high-quality curriculum that inspires all children to succeed in their class PE and Sport sessions, and alongside this, engages children in competitive and non-competitive sport.

Our curriculum is broad, balanced, diverse and inclusive for all and promotes confident, passionate and resilient learners. The curriculum is planned with progression being built upon and our children are increasingly challenged as they move throughout the Key Stages.

We have chosen the GetSet4PE scheme, ensuring a consistent approach, to deliver high quality PE lessons. Class teachers formatively assess the children’s work in PE throughout the year and are supported with resources to know how to prepare children for their next phase of education. These resources include the Get Set 4 PE progression of skills document, progression ladders and knowledge organisers. We also use ‘Go Noodle’  'Fitt-In' and the ‘Daily Mile’ to support/enhance the teaching of PE. These sessions give children better opportunities for improved focus in the classroom and promotes increased mental resilience. Through these regular sessions, children improve their health, self-esteem, confidence and well-being.

To ensure there is a progression of physical skills, children experience success in sporting events and they learn the importance of perseverance and resilience in helping them to reach personal achievements as well as when they are managing disappointment. Engaging in sporting competitions help children to understand the importance of teamwork and inclusivity, leading to a cohesive and encouraging school environment.
Children receive two PE sessions per week delivered through the GetSet4PE programme.

PE is also encouraged at both playtimes and lunchtimes, with a variety of equipment provided for the children to use and enjoy. Structured PE activities (Active lunchtimes) are also available for the children to participate in, within their free time.

PE Curriculum Overview

Get Set 4 PE


Key Documentation


Swimming at St Ignatius

The value of swimming as a life skill can never be under-estimated. The importance of swimming has been recognised by its inclusion as a programme of study in the National curriculum for physical education.


The overall target for all children in the programme is to work towards achieving the KS2 requirement:

Swim competently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25M, using a range of strokes effectively. Perform safe self-rescue. Be confident in water.



Over the past years, there has been a recommendation for adjustments to be made to swimming provision for primary pupils in Haringey schools.The aim is to provide opportunities for children to learn to swim at an earlier age than they have in the past.

At St Ignatius Primary, we have adopted and are phasing in the following plan for the coming years.

The intention is that each year group, starting with Year 4 pupils, will swim for six half terms over the course of three years.


Aims and objectives of the swimming programme


  • To teach skills which encourage pupils to gain water confidence.
  • To encourage pupils to master the basic stroke techniques.
  • To teach the importance of pool safety so that swimming can be safe and fun.
  • To teach pupils to be confident in all depths of water.
  • To teach principles of personal survival and water safety.
  • To give pupils the skills to learn in a controlled environment outside the classroom.
  • To increase fitness and endurance levels of all who take part. Also to play a part in reducing child obesity and overweight issues.
  • To improve levels of physical literacy
  • To positively encourage a love of swimming
  • To develop stronger swimmers

The Programme


All children will be taught water confidence in a safe environment by fully qualified instructors. We follow the principles of the Swim England learn to swim program which is a very progressive system and extremely successful. From this year we are hoping to run some distance awards alongside this program to try and give the children as many options as possible.

Every class will have a water safety session covering what to do in emergency situations and how to perform self-rescue techniques. We also test for various 25metre swims in various strokes as requested by the national curriculum. These will take place at the end of each half term.

We have close links with Haringey Aquatics (our local swimming club) so those swimmers who are of a higher capability can work to a mini training session plan as long as its suitable for all involved. We can also connect those swimmers to the club who want extra lessons or talent spot for those that show exceptional promise.

We are fully inclusive for all children and have experience in SEN groups of all ages from primary through to adults


Haringey School Swimming Programme


Haringey Dance Festival 2023:

15 children from Year 3,4 and 5 went to Highgate Junior School to take part in Haringey’s Dance Festival this year. They were taught a choreographed dance by some secondary school student dance leaders, and then had a chance to perform it at the end of the day to the other schools in attendance. They had a fantastic day and represented St Ignatius brilliantly.





Well done everybody! We came 2nd in the Spring Stride across Haringey!




What is the Spring Stride?

The Spring Stride is a three  week competition to encourage pupils in Haringey to take part in physical exercise every day for three weeks. Research has shown that over the last few years (due to Covid lockdowns), the percentage of children who are obese in Reception, across the country, has risen from 23% to 27% and in Year 6 this has increased from 35% to 40%. Due to this increase, Haringey has created the Spring Stride to try to encourage pupils to move more. This may be by taking part in the ‘The Daily Mile’, Yoga, Dance or any other movement/exercise in addition to their regular PE lessons.


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