Year 2

Ms Lyons

Ms Lyons

Year 2 Teacher


We add exciting news on our Year Group News to keep you informed of our learning adventures. 

2L Floella Benjamin Class            

Class Dojo 

All parents are encouraged to sign up to Class Dojo to keep up to date with class events. There is also a message system for you to contact the Teacher directly in your chosen language. 


Our Curriculum

Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from year 1, enjoy learning and are well equipped to succeed in year 2 and beyond.

In English we use key texts which help the children to develop their grammar, speaking and listening skills and build on ideas to write their own innovations of fiction and non-fiction. 

In Maths we use concrete- pictorial- abstract experiences that reinforce children’s learning and take them beyond the classroom so that they can apply their understanding within a real life context.

RE is also a core subject and is taught twice a week. Our syllabus focuses on two main attainment targets: learning about the Catholic faith and learning from the Catholic faith.

Some end of year expectations are to:

  • read and spell the KS1 common exception words
  • read and spell the 100 high frequency words
  • read and spell the days of the week, months of the year and numbers in words up to 100
  • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers

In the afternoons, children focus on other subjects like science, history, geography, RHE and art which are detailed in our termly parent curriculum brochures. Please refer to these in order to support your child’s learning at home.

PE lessons are on ..... Children should wear their PE kits all day. Please refer to the school uniform policy here on the website.

Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in the following Wednesday. Children are expected to learn their spellings and write them in full sentences. Reading Records are sent out at the beginning of the school year with the expectation that children read at least 5x per week, we ask parents to sign the reading record and send into school regularly.
We always mark your children’s homework and there is an expectation to make corrections when necessary.

Ensure you regularly check your child’s class Dojo story as well as the direct messages from their teacher as this is the main form of communication.​     

Year 2 Curriculum Brochure- Autumn 24




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