After School Club


Dear Parents / Carers

We would like to update you about  after school provision for pupils at our school.

In the past, we have collaborated with external after school providers who have been on site to offer after school care for pupils until 6pm. However, our experience has been that these clubs have not been well attended and the providers have been unable to continue with such low attendance/ uptake. 

As an alternative, for working parents of pupils from Reception to Y6, we are able to offer an extended day club until 4.30pm. This club will run all week but working parents can chose the days they need to access depending on their working arrangements. The cost of this club will be £5 per session and £3 for additional siblings.

If there is enough interest in terms of attendance for this club, we aim to extend this provision until 6pm- please speak to a member of SLT if you would be interested in extended provision.

If you are a working parent and are interested, for now, in the 4.30pm club please contact the school office to book a place. 





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