Year 6
We add exciting news on our Year Group News to keep you informed of our learning adventures.
6D- Nelson Mandela Class 6A- Aderin Pocock Class
Class Dojo 
All parents are encouraged to sign up to Class Dojo to keep up to date with class events. There is also a message system for you to contact the Teacher directly in your chosen language.
Our Curriculum
In Year 6, we aim to offer the children a curriculum which appeals to a variety of interests and individual learning styles. We strive to enhance a wealth of skills thus creating life-long learners who are ready to take their next step in education.
The National Curriculum is taught in Year 6, more details of the specific subjects and units of study can be found in our Curriculum Map on the school website Curriculum Maps | St Ignatius Catholic Primary School.
Children we experience at least 3 education visits a year, which will begin with a trip to the Science Museum in the Autumn term.
In Year 6 we offer booster classes where we give the children additional support after school in preparation for their SATs. We have high expectations for homework, which includes both online apps and revision books. It is an expectation that children read and fill in their reading record at least five times a week, as well as their book journals. This is to expose them to as much vocabulary as possible and to encourage a love of reading.
If you want to download, Maths, Reading and SPaG past papers then please follow the link below and click on the past papers you desire. They are all free of charge.
In addition to this, pupils also have log ins for Reading Eggs, Reading Eggpress, and Sumdog. They are expected to access these apps every week and to use them to revise and fill in any gaps in their knowledge.
6A Curriculum Brochure- Autumn 24
6D Curriculum Brochure- Autumn 24