Remote Learning


Remote learning guidance for Parents


J2E Login:                                 Tapestry Login


J2E Parent Letter- Logging on


Please read our acceptable use document below which explains the protocol for using zoom with your children at home:

Acceptable Use - Zoom- For Parents and Carers



Links to other key websites for pupils to access-


LGFL Login:


Sumdog Login:

What is Sumdog?


Reading Eggs Login:


Times Tables Rock Stars



Useful Websites


                                                                                                                          Huge treasure trove of activities that cover a whole range of subjects.   Also holds links to games etc that are hosted by other sites.                                                                                            


 White Rose Maths


 Website that the children use daily for their maths lessons. Resources include   videos, worksheets and activities which are in line with the work the children do   in school. The workbooks the children bring home match up with the online   resources.





 A new picture is shared each day to provoke discussion, debate or   writing ideas.

  BBC Bitesize


 Huge range of different resources and information broken down into   Key Stages and Year Groups.



  A huge range of different subjects and focuses, arguably the best host    of any resource you could need. Have offered a free account in the       result of school   closures.




 Free online home workbooks

 Phonics Play



 In response to the ongoing situation, PhonicsPlay is now free to use   during this school closure.  Children can use the site at home to   access all the phonics games and resources.

 Username : march20

 Password : home


  Spelling Frame

 Spelling activities with specialist resources for each year group


    Oxford Owl

 Free online books - brilliant if you can't get to a library.


   First News

 Free online digital download of a specialist children's newspaper.

 'How to download the free weekly digital children's newspaper to your device.'

 Issue 724


  Haringey Libraries

 Free e-books to borrow once an app is installed.


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