Year 5

Ms Hajilozis

Ms Hajilozis

Year 5 Teacher


We add exciting news on our Year Group News to keep you informed of our learning adventures. 

Oscar Romero Class   


Class Dojo 

All parents are encouraged to sign up to Class Dojo to keep up to date with class events. There is also a message system for you to contact the Teacher directly in your chosen language. 


Our Curriculum

We have an action packed term ahead of us, full of fantastic topics & learning. In the first half term we will embark on a journey to the past and learn all about the mighty Anglo Saxons as part of our history unit. We will take part in some exciting DT learning such as weaving and making Anglo Saxon crafts!

We will also have a focus on textiles and can’t wait to show you what we create! Also as part of our Science learning ‘Animals including humans’ we will create amazing animal art inspired by Australian Aboriginal dot art. We will be focusing on the renowned Australian Aboriginal artist ‘Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri’.

Our second part of our Autumn term learning will have a focus on the powerful Vikings! Part of our science focus during the second half term will be out of this world…literally! As we will be learning all about ‘Earth & Space’ Our artwork this term will focus on the artist ‘Peter Thorpe’ and his awesome Outer space art!

These are just some of the things we will be working on this term!

We will also be going swimming where we will be learning to swim competently, confidently and proficiently. This will begin after October half term and continue through to Spring term.

Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in the following Tuesday. Children are expected to learn their spellings and write them in full sentences. Reading Records are sent out at the beginning of the school year with the expectation that children read at least 5 x per week, we ask parents to sign the reading record and send into school regularly.

We will be updating the page throughout the term so you can admire some of our fantastic work. 


Year 5 Curriculum Brochure- Summer 2024

Year 5 Curriculum Brochure - Spring 2024

Year 5 Curriculum Brochure - Autumn 2023


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