Year 5
Ms Hajilozis
Year 5 Teacher
We add exciting news on our Year Group News to keep you informed of our learning adventures.
Oscar Romero Class
Class Dojo 
All parents are encouraged to sign up to Class Dojo to keep up to date with class events. There is also a message system for you to contact the Teacher directly in your chosen language.
Our Curriculum
Welcome to Saint Oscar Romero class!
We have an action-packed term ahead of us, full of fantastic topics & learning. In the first half term we will embark on a journey to the past and learn all about Baghdad-The Round city and its founder Caliph al-Mansur. We will learn the story of how it was created and the reasons al-Mansur chose Baghdad to be the new Muslim capital of the world! We will dive deeper into learning about it’s location, the people, education in the round city and the influences scholars had on the wider world!
In Geography we will be focusing on the case study of water as a resource in California, we will bring together learning about water supply, settlement and agriculture to consider the question ‘Why is California so thirsty?’. We will review the water cycle and water as a resource, then build place knowledge of California as well as the history of California’s water use for agriculture and people. This will help us understand why it is challenging to supply the water that California needs and to consider possible solutions to the issues!
As part of our Science learning we will be learning all about properties and changes of materials; this will include lots of practical science investigations as we explore our unit! Experiments such as exploring electrical and thermal conductors, investigating the solubility of materials, exploring how mixtures can be separated by filtering, sieving , evaporating, magnets and many more!
We will also create amazing animal art inspired by Australian Aboriginal dot art focusing on the renowned Australian Aboriginal artist ‘Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri’. In order for us to understand Aboriginal Art we first need to learn about Dreamtime. Dreamtime refers to their beliefs of how the land and its people were created. Aborigines believed supernatural beings with magical powers created the land’s features, animals and plants during dreamtime Art is a way to stay in touch with their ancestry and be a part of the natural world Today.
Our second part of our Autumn term learning will lead us on a journey to learn all about the mighty Anglo Saxons as part of our history unit. We will take part in some exciting DT learning such as weaving and making Anglo Saxon crafts and learn all about the great Anglo-Saxon hoard found in Sutton Hoo! We will get to see some of these finds at the British Museum!
These are just some of the exciting things we will be working on this term!
General reminders:
- Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in the following Tuesday. Children are expected to learn their spellings and complete all online and written activities.
- Reading Records are sent out at the beginning of the school year with the expectation that children read at least 5 x per week, we ask parents to sign the reading record and send into school regularly.
- Please regularly check our class story on Dojo as we post lots of great learning content and reminders/updates there to ensure you will always be kept in the loop!
We will be updating the page throughout the term so you can admire some of our fantastic work!
Year 5 Curriculum Brochure- Autumn 24