Vincent Carroll-Battaglino
Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
I live very locally and have been a member of the parish for many years.
I became Chair of the Governing Body earlier this year.
Mr Andrew Dickson
Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
I retired from teaching at St. Ignatius College, Enfield in 2016. I taught there for 32 years and wore a variety of hats, ending up as Headmaster during my last two years. It was a great privilege to teach many of the children from St. Ignatius Primary School and work with their very supportive parents. I was greatly honoured to be asked to join the Governing body at Stamford Hill and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the near future.
Ex officio
I was brought up in the borough of Haringey and attended local Catholic schools before commencing teacher training.
I have worked in Catholic schools in north London and Hertfordshire for the past thirty years and have spent the majority of that time in St Ignatius-initially as Deputy Head and then as Headteacher.
Father Andrew
Foundation Governor
Since September 2018 I have been the Parish Priest at St Ignatius Church. I look forward to building on the wonderful links between the parish and the school.
Elisabete Veselovska
Foundation Governors
I am Elisabete. I am a Parish Administrator and bookkeeper. This is the first time I am a governor since March 2021. My three children went St Ignatius Primary School and I have very fond memories of their time in this school. I am part of Finance subcommittee.
Obinno Idoko
Foundation Governors
I have been an active member of St Ignatius parish for a number of years and joined the school's Governing Body as a way of further contributing to our community.
Angela Anyanwu
Foundation Governor
I have been a member of St ignatius parish for a number of years before joining the school's Governing Body as a Foundation Governor.
My professional background is in Human Resources.
Franka Steele
Parent Governor
I have two children currently attending St Ignatius and joined the Governing Body earlier this year.
Vincent Carroll-Battaglino
Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
I live very locally and have been a member of the parish for many years. I became Chair of the Governing Body earlier this year.

Mr Andrew Dickson
Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
I retired from teaching at St. Ignatius College, Enfield in 2016. I taught there for 32 years and wore a variety of hats, ending up as Headmaster during my last two years. It was a great privilege to teach many of the children from St. Ignatius Primary School and work with their very supportive parents. I was greatly honoured to be asked to join the Governing body at Stamford Hill and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the near future.
Ex officio
I was brought up in the borough of Haringey and attended local Catholic schools before commencing teacher training. I have worked in Catholic schools in north London and Hertfordshire for the past thirty years and have spent the majority of that time in St Ignatius-initially as Deputy Head and then as Headteacher.
Father Andrew
Foundation Governor
Since September 2018 I have been the Parish Priest at St Ignatius Church. I look forward to building on the wonderful links between the parish and the school.

Elisabete Veselovska
Foundation Governors
I am Elisabete. I am a Parish Administrator and bookkeeper. This is the first time I am a governor since March 2021. My three children went St Ignatius Primary School and I have very fond memories of their time in this school. I am part of Finance subcommittee.
Obinno Idoko
Foundation Governors
I have been an active member of St Ignatius parish for a number of years and joined the school's Governing Body as a way of further contributing to our community.
Angela Anyanwu
Foundation Governor
I have been a member of St ignatius parish for a number of years before joining the school's Governing Body as a Foundation Governor. My professional background is in Human Resources.
Franka Steele
Parent Governor
I have two children currently attending St Ignatius and joined the Governing Body earlier this year.
Membership of the Governing Body
Full name |
Type |
Appt. Date |
Term |
Who appointed |
Roles/Responsibilities |
Con Bonner |
Headteacher |
01.11.03 |
Ex officio |
Ex officio |
Curriculum Committee Finance Committee |
Elisabete Veselovska |
Foundation |
18.03.21 |
4 years |
Governing Body |
Finance Committee Wellbeing Governor |
Obinno Idoko |
Foundation |
18.03.21 |
4 years |
Governing Body |
Curriculum Committee
Andrew Cameron-Mowat |
Foundation |
28.09.23 |
4 years |
Governing Body |
RE Governor |
Veronica Curran |
Staff |
26.09.21 |
4 years |
Staff elected |
Curriculum Committee
Vincent Carroll-Battaglino |
Foundation |
21.03.24 |
4 year |
Governing Body |
Chair of Governors Curriculum Committee Finance Committee |
Andrew Dickson |
Foundation |
21.03.24 |
4 year |
Governing Body |
Vice Chair of Governors Curriculum Committee Finance Committee Safeguarding Governor SEND Governor |
Franka Steele |
Parent |
16.01.24 |
4 years |
Parents elected |
Finance Committee |
Former members of governing body
Name |
Type |
Giselle Warrington |
Foundation |
Alexandra Kolnz |
Parent |
Andrew Dickson |
Foundation (Resigned 19.01.24) |
Lourdes Keever |
Local Authority (Resigned 1.03.24) |
Amanda Barnard |
Co-opted (Resigned 04.07.24) |
Silvia Fonseca |
Parent (Resigned 12.07.24) |
Curriculum Committee
- CJ Bonner
- Vincent Carroll-Battaglino
- Obinna Idoko
- Veronica Curran
- Andrew Dickson
Resources and Pay Committee
- CJ Bonner
- Elizabeth Veselovska
- Vincent Carroll-Battaglino
- Andrew Dickson
Attendance at Meetings 2023-2024
Name of Governor or Associate Member |
Governing Body Meetings |
Committee Meetings |
Number of possible to attend |
Number attended |
Number of possible to attend |
Number attended |
Con Bonner
6 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
Veronica Curran
6 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
Silvia Fonseca
6 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
Franka Steele
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Lourdes Keever
3 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
Amanda Barnard
6 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
Andrew Cameron-Mowat
6 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Vincent Carroll-Bagaglino
6 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
Andrew Dickson
6 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
Obinna Idoko
6 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Elisabete Veselovska |
4 |
2 |
1 |
Register of Interests
Name of Governor |
Relevant business & pecuniary interests |
Governance role in other educational institutions |
Any material interests from relationships with governors or school staff (including spouses, partners, close relatives) |
Con Bonner |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Vincent Carroll-Battaglino |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Andrew Cameron-Mowat |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Veronica Curran |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Andrew Dickson |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Obinno Idoko |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Elisabete Veselovska |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Franka Steele |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |