Ofsted, Religious Education and Performance Reports

Our children work hard and we are proud of the results they achieve. Like them, we constantly strive to improve the quality of the education we offer and there two ways we monitor our progress against national targets.

School Inspections

Our school is routinely inspected by OFSTED and by the Diocese of Westminster to see the progress we are making. These inspections help us to plan how we intend improving the quality of education we deliver to our children. You can find out more about recent inspections by clicking the links below:

Diocese of Westminster RE Inspection

Ofsted reports

Our children sit tests in year six. These Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) look at literacy and numeracy skills. They help us to compare how well our children our doing with other children across the country. You can see the most recent SATs results for our children by clicking the link below:

Performance Table Link

Ofsted Report

RE Report

Other feedback

We welcome feedback about all aspects of school life and parents are encouraged to share their views by logging in to the Parent View website:


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