Welcome to our Creative Page


Art Lessons with Rob Biddulph

Happy Drawing !

Children's book author and illustrator, Rob Biddulph, is running draw-along videos every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am.



Get Creative with LEGO!



Have you tried computer programming?

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project

Scratch is a programming software and community that is committed to supporting children to learn coding. It is pitched at 8-16 year olds, with Scratch Jr accommodating 5- 7 year olds. The whole project is developed by academics at MIT, The app and website are very user-friendly; children can create animations, stories and even games, and there is a lot of help for parents and pupils alike.



Create your own rainbow to say thank you to the NHS and display it in your window! Download our template below or copy onto paper and make it really colourful.



Rainbow template


St Ignatius Creative Gallery



Click on the arrow on the image and scroll through the pictures!

St Ignatius gets creative at home!














Elena 1J                                                                                                                                                             Lena 1J

In 2A we have been designing our own chocolate bars



Creative Activity Ideas!

Art Activities


Art Websites/Links:







https://www.artjohn.co.uk/- Art John creates inspiring,creative and achievable YouTube art tutorials



https://toontastic.withgoogle.com/- This app will excite budding directors, authors, artists and musicians. Turn your drawings into 3D cartoon animations,record your voice to add dialogue etc.


Film Competition:



Make your own 'Time Capsule'...

My Time Capsule- Covid-19- 2020


Be creative- Get baking!


Miss Taylor has been baking with her children. Have you been baking? Have a look at some recipes below!

Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake/Banana Cake/Fork Biscuits

Miss Taylor's Home Baking




St Ignatius gets baking!






















Baking ideas


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