World Mental Health Day takes place annually on the 10th of October. 


This years theme is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. 

This theme was chosen by a global vote including World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) members, stakeholders and supporters because the world is increasingly polarised, with the very wealthy becoming wealthier, and the number of people living in poverty still far too high. 2020 highlighted inequalities due to race and ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, and the lack of respect for human rights in many countries, including for people living with mental health conditions. Such inequalities have an impact on people’s mental health.


The COVID 19 pandemic has further highlighted the effects of inequality on health outcomes and no nation, however rich, has been fully prepared for this.  The pandemic has and will continue to affect people, of all ages, in many ways: through infection and illness, sometimes resulting in death bringing bereavement to surviving family members; through the economic impact, with job losses and continued job insecurity; and with the physical distancing that can lead to social isolation.


The 2021 World Mental Health Day campaign ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’ will enable the WFMH to focus on the issues that perpetuate mental health inequality locally and globally. MFMH want to support civil societies to play an active role in tackling inequality in their local areas. They want to encourage researchers to share what they know about mental health inequality including practical ideas about how to tackle this.


It’s very important to take care of yourself and get the most from life. 

Please find 10 tips on how to look after your mental health here:


For more information for children click on the links below:


Parents, please see this helpful plan to ensure you look after yourselves as well: